Tuesday, April 3, 2007


Japanese billionaire cosegna some mansions to HONOLULU of Hawaii - Dorie-Dorie-Ann

Japanese billionaire cosegna some mansions to HONOLULU of Hawaii - Dorie-Dorie-Ann without house born them
Kahale and its five daughters moved from a shelter without house towards mansion a thursday, the courtesy of
to Japanese Mogul of the real estate that is cosegnando eight of its centers of the multimillion-dollar to
the hawaiane families been born them low-income. The breaches have overthrown down the guancie of the Kahale
while the key to a white man has accepted billionaire Genshiro Kawamoto, columned the house with one private
road circular, one stone scale and one deep bathtub of the china. Its family will live here rent-free, but
it must pay practical invoices. "they are shaken. They are soprafato, "said Kahale. "from the box small it
we have had that what we have today." Kawamoto, of which possessing the eyes it has begun to gush in on
while Kahale has screaied, has cosegnato others two centers thursday to without house or low-income
families. Kawamoto, one of the richer men of Japan, as an example plans to open eight of its 22 centers of
Kahala to the hawaiane families needy. can remain in the centers for until 10 years, has said. Moreover it
has given to every family 10 $100 invoices in order to help it to move within. The hawaiians been born them
they are sproporzionatamente represents to you between poor without house and the worker to declare.
Kawamoto possesses the dozens of the constructions of office to Tokyo under the name of Marugen and its
buying and selling states the real estate within Hawaii and California from years 80. It is criticized for
evicting the renters of its locative centers on the short warning so as to it could sell the property, like
in 2002 when it has given to hundred of the renters of California 30 days to permission. Two years more
subsequently, it has notified the diffide of eviction to the renters in 27 locative centers of the Oahu,
mainly in pricey Hawaii Kai, as an example have had in order to go within a month. It has said that it has
wished to sell the houses in order to be useful for the prices to increase. Kawamoto has selected the eight
families low-income beginning from 3,000 people who it have written letters the slid autumn after that she
announced its program. It has said that it has tried to select working, single mothers. To give mansions to
the absent extension more dedication to help the nomad of the Hawaii that hardly passing towards the outside
the wads of cash, has said. Asked if it has been interested approximately moneies losing on the effort, it
has laughed and said: "this is moneies of pocket for me." The new house of the Kahale is worth nearly $5
million, an average price for mansion-as the dwellings on the tree-lined avenue of Kahala. It is one of the
more modest centers in the vicinity, many of which characterize cancel adorned of the iron, serpeggianti
private roads and have carved garden. Kahale has been transformato in in the two years without house makes
when its owner has raised its rent from $800 to $1.200, putting the apartment here extension of its wage
like technical assistant of customer for pacific LightNet, a company of telecommunicationses. In the first
place it has remained with the relatives, then moves to you towards a shelter in september. "that what we
must make is to appreciate," said Kahale after to have obtained the keys to its new house. "fastly as we
have obtained it, it could disappears." Some vicinoi are insoddisfatti of the program of the Kawamoto,
speculating that it is trying to guide the values down real estate so as to can cracks in on still more
centers. "all that rend homage he, but in truth, is the problem," it has said the Blackburn mark, from that
center of the Kahale lives the New way down. "the Rooms are centers. They are urged for living within; they
are not investment vehicles." It has suggested that the shoreline of Waianae, a hawaiana heavy Community
from the other side of Oahu that has been blinked with violence close the homelessness, would have been a
place better affinchè Kawamoto carries out its job of charity. Kawamoto has exchanged again that those in
the vicinity of Kahala that do not wish the following hatch of the hawaiians could wish to leave the islands
altogether. "the people that do not wish living to the hawaiians close would have to move," said Kawamoto.
Lyn Worley, 40, that they have obtained the key to an other house of Kawamoto, as an example believes that
its vicinoi became loved its family. The employee of the elementary school is living in one house in Waianae
with its five children and siblings for the four slid years. Theirs lease contract have been get exaustedded
and then the offer of the Kawamoto has come ahead. "we have prayed so as to hard and we have screaied
therefore a lot affinchè the God we fall something from the skies and," said Worley. "and, he really,
really." Copyright the 2007 Pressed one Connected


the tests of the woman in order to hide the crocs smuggled in tension under she dressed a Palestinian

the tests of
the woman in order to hide the crocs smuggled in tension under she dressed a Palestinian woman have been
found in order to have three crocodiles in tension legacies to its stomach when it has been arrested from
the civil employees of UE to Edge of the Gaza with Egypt. The rectums them, everyone around 40-50cm (15-20
inches) long, have been record you to the body of the woman under dressed its. But in spite of its loosened
dress adapted, the suspiciones have been raises you of its turn, a spokeswoman of UE have said to the BBC.
The woman has said to the protections that of the edge she has meant to sell the crocodiles to a zoologico
garden in Gaza. It has been arrested last week but more subsequently it has been freed. The rectums them
have been transmitted of new to Egypt. Spokeswoman Maria Telleria Chavarri of UE has said that the discovery
had caused the stupefazione between the civil employees of the edge. She has said that protections of the
edge have in the tried ones to you blanket pass you to you of smuggle the exotic birds and two cubs of the
lion in Gaza. "he is illegal smuggle such animals. The crocodiles are protect in application of the
regulations of NU, "she have added. The mission of attendance of the edge of the UE is helping to emergency
in the zone from November of the 2005,



' 911 Closed, all a to
the store of the rubber ring ' fireman has released over a connection on the Web site of the city and that
it has obtained a recording of a shipper bogus that says that 911 was sluices. "our offices are sluices
because all it is to the store of the rubber ring," they have said the lima audio. Stu Gallaher, commerce of
the city the coordinator, as an example that Wednesday the lima has been removed quickly when the civil
employees of the city have learned to this purpose. Gallaher has said that it has been accidentally left on
the place from previous fire main frank Chisesi, that it was assumed in order to improve offered of the
Internet of the city. Chisesi has said that it had arranged several lime audio on the place but they have
not worked and has thought it had cancelled to them. The hand of Terrance of the fireman and- has sent the
connection for mail to the civil employees of the city and to means, as an example "it was not flattering"
to 911 call center, police or firemen and to try lle excuses. Saying its only answer came from the corpus of
Dan of the councilman. The corpus they have said has meant to examine the shipment, "and to rectify all the
situation that would allow that that one is put on the fotoricettore place." ___ the information give: The
morning call, http://www.mcall.com


Migliori Jokes and Hoaxes Of Sciocchi

Migliori Jokes and
Hoaxes Of Sciocchi Of You open them the f you cannot make them to the museum famed of the hoaxes Saint
Diego, curator that Alex main Boese has compiled the 100 shocks of opens them Pranks of day of all the time
(control towards the outside museumof hoaxes.com). We know that wished within on the ruses advanced,
therefore, without ulterior ado, are some here: The SWITZERLAND COLLECTION of the SPAGHETTI in 1957, the BBC
has marked that the Swiss cultivators were guns great andante with their harvest of the spaghetti, thanks to
a warm winter and an extirpation of the tonchio of the spaghetti. Tonchi cursed of the spaghetti. The sports
of the SIDD FINCH illustrate have made to you to work a history of open them of 1985 approximately the finch
of Sidd of burba of baseball, that it could throw a step of 168 mph, studied in a monastery tibetano and was
going to play for the Mets. Alas, entire has been made up from George Plimpton. Those poor Fans of Mets. The
technical MOMENT of COLOR the TV To for the single station of the TV of Sweden, that they have transmitted
for radio then in black and the white man, has appeared on the news in 1962 and marked that to slip a nylon
stocking over the screen would convert with in color. According to Boese, who has written the past year "the
hippo eats the dwarf: A guide of the field to the hoaxes and the other B.S." (books of the collection),
color television the transmission has begun in Sweden on... 1 opens them 1970. For the reals! The FREEDOM
BELL in 1996, taco Bell of TACO has eliminated the newspaper outside text ads that she says the company, in
a effort to contribute to reduce public debit, bought freedom Bell and changed tito it it freedom Bell of
taco. And, demonstrating the secretaries of pressed of the House White woman once it has had a humor sense,
reporter sayings to McCurry of the microphone: "Ford Motor Company is being associated today to one effort
to renew Memorial Lincoln.... It will be the memorial of the mercury de Lincoln." The newspaper of the
guardiano of SAINT SERRIFFE England has made to work a supplement in 1977 approximately one republic "of
point and virgola-a shape of" islands in the Indian Ocean. The greatest island has been called Upper the
Caise, smallest, Caise more low. The Saint Serriffe has been regulated from General Pica and relative the
understood one them it was Bodoni. That one is enough in order to put it in a coma, er, virgola. NIXON FOR
the PRESIDENT on the exposure of nation of the NPR "talk" in 1992, Richard declared Nixon: "marching on this
hard and gained road behind your confidentiality, I once again ask you to render your president me!" It was
really an other Richard -- little to make its impersonation of the better deceptive Dick


How Blind They can Be?

Poichè our economy phony begins to unravel before our eyes, is narcotic how much
little people can really see it. The collective the wisdom of the pandit of the securities market, the
economists and the civil employees of the reservoir federal gives the impression that all is only fine. Even
if some recognize that the lodging is slowing down one heads, that one are problems here isolate to you with
the mortgages of the subprime and that the inflation is not moderating quickly like it they have hoped
(lascili ignore the prices of the oil churns to you), little the threats against continued economic
expansion, or the market of Taurus of stock, the ties or the real estate can see all tomba. More soon this
week a CNBC anchorage has asked to a host if "the baton economic" hour could to pass from the lodging to the
consumer, a lot the same sense that previously has passed from the securities market to lodging. They are
not exactly sure where the anchorage believes that consumers the will hour is convincing the moneies for
condurla from the morass economic. With the mortgages of recordable rate hour that restore more on, domestic
fairness that it disappears, assembly of debit of the credit card, personal saving to the levels low records
and the cost of the base necessities continuing to increase, the consumer entire are hit. In fact, the
expense of the consumer is not to go just to slow down; it is going to cad from the edge of one reef. With
the champions more traditional than loan than mortgage who begin to send back, the traditional domestic
prices cannot too much be far outside. And for those who it cannot notice, median domestic prices are calm
sense over the traditional levels like determine to you from the criteria like affordability and rent
against the own analysis. In many markets, the normal levels can only be half of their values "estimated"
currents. However, had the overabundance of the centers that finally colpiranno the market and the absence
of the qualified or arranged buyers, center the prices, at least in the short term, can fall well under the
normal levels. Also when signaling on the mess of the subprime and the movement to raise the champions
lenders, the greater part in means still obtains it wrong seems to think that "the scricchiolio of emersione
accreditation" the qualification for a mortgage is a problem for the domestic buyers poichè ago that the
much most difficult one. But, preventing to the buyers of overpaying for the centers, the scricchiolio of
accreditation it is really a blessing in the disguise. More strait the champions contribuiranno lenders to
throw down an arrest in the prices of the real estate. Which thing could be better for the domestic buyers
upgrades them that little expensive houses? Sure they could it must attend some more years until that they
could not really save enough moneies for a account, but since the purchase prices will be therefore a lot to
lower itself, those down payments will be easier to accumulate themselves. More of importance, from then
they will take on loan therefore many little moneies, the all in cost of purchase will be reduced more
substantially. A warning naturally is that many such individuals could find themselves vacate to you for a
moment, like the uscieri of landslide of the lodging in to recession extended and strict. Fortune teller
that you cannot have all! The real problems will be for the existing owners of room, particularly those who
overpaid, that it cannot sell for their loan amounts and who fairness or sufficient domestic yields of lack
in order to refinance their mortgages of recordable rate. Moreover to think the pizzico is mortgage lenders,
than they will not be able to recover their investments when the mutuatari stabilize. Naturally, the last
bag the supports will be contributors Americans. Poichè the crisis is increased, the politicians will
unavoidablly try to put outside all in temporary freedom in danger of moneies losing on the bought real
estate during the years of the auction. That will provoke the enormous runs-up of the federal deficit, that
it is financed from inflationary the monetary and fiscal political. Consequently, the greater losses could
have been classified for the thrifty people, pension to you, the investor, or anyone has left to held the
activities financial institutions dollar-denominated when music finally stops to play


How Blind They can Be?

Poichè our economy phony begins to unravel before our eyes, is narcotic how much
little people can really see it. The collective the wisdom of the pandit of the securities market, the
economists and the civil employees of the reservoir federal gives the impression that all is only fine. Even
if some recognize that the lodging is slowing down one heads, that one are problems here isolate to you with
the mortgages of the subprime and that the inflation is not moderating quickly like it they have hoped
(lascili ignore the prices of the oil churns to you), little the threats against continued economic
expansion, or the market of Taurus of stock, the ties or the real estate can see all tomba. More soon this
week a CNBC anchorage has asked to a host if "the baton economic" hour could to pass from the lodging to the
consumer, a lot the same sense that previously has passed from the securities market to lodging. They are
not exactly sure where the anchorage believes that consumers the will hour is convincing the moneies for
condurla from the morass economic. With the mortgages of recordable rate hour that restore more on, domestic
fairness that it disappears, assembly of debit of the credit card, personal saving to the levels low records
and the cost of the base necessities continuing to increase, the consumer entire are hit. In fact, the
expense of the consumer is not to go just to slow down; it is going to cad from the edge of one reef. With
the champions more traditional than loan than mortgage who begin to send back, the traditional domestic
prices cannot too much be far outside. And for those who it cannot notice, median domestic prices are calm
sense over the traditional levels like determine to you from the criteria like affordability and rent
against the own analysis. In many markets, the normal levels can only be half of their values "estimated"
currents. However, had the overabundance of the centers that finally colpiranno the market and the absence
of the qualified or arranged buyers, center the prices, at least in the short term, can fall well under the
normal levels. Also when signaling on the mess of the subprime and the movement to raise the champions
lenders, the greater part in means still obtains it wrong seems to think that "the scricchiolio of emersione
accreditation" the qualification for a mortgage is a problem for the domestic buyers poichè ago that the
much most difficult one. But, preventing to the buyers of overpaying for the centers, the scricchiolio of
accreditation it is really a blessing in the disguise. More strait the champions contribuiranno lenders to
throw down an arrest in the prices of the real estate. Which thing could be better for the domestic buyers
upgrades them that little expensive houses? Sure they could it must attend some more years until that they
could not really save enough moneies for a account, but since the purchase prices will be therefore a lot to
lower itself, those down payments will be easier to accumulate themselves. More of importance, from then
they will take on loan therefore many little moneies, the all in cost of purchase will be reduced more
substantially. A warning naturally is that many such individuals could find themselves vacate to you for a
moment, like the uscieri of landslide of the lodging in to recession extended and strict. Fortune teller
that you cannot have all! The real problems will be for the existing owners of room, particularly those who
overpaid, that it cannot sell for their loan amounts and who fairness or sufficient domestic yields of lack
in order to refinance their mortgages of recordable rate. Moreover to think the pizzico is mortgage lenders,
than they will not be able to recover their investments when the mutuatari stabilize. Naturally, the last
bag the supports will be contributors Americans. Poichè the crisis is increased, the politicians will
unavoidablly try to put outside all in temporary freedom in danger of moneies losing on the bought real
estate during the years of the auction. That will provoke the enormous runs-up of the federal deficit, that
it is financed from inflationary the monetary and fiscal political. Consequently, the greater losses could
have been classified for the thrifty people, pension to you, the investor, or anyone has left to held the
activities financial institutions dollar-denominated when music finally stops to play

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